
Bayer, V., Mulholland, P., Hlosta, M., Farrell, T., Herodotou, C. and Fernandez, M., (2024) Co‐creating an equality diversity and inclusion learning analytics dashboard for addressing awarding gaps in higher education, British Journal of Educational Technology

Farrell, T., Alani, H. and Mikroyannidis, A., (2024) Mediating learning with learning analytics technology: guidelines for practice, Teaching in Higher Education

Kwarteng, J., Farrell, T., Third, A. and Fernandez, M., (2023) Annotators’ Perspectives: Exploring the Influence of Identity on Interpreting Misogynoir, ASONAM 2023: The 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining

Farrell, TKouadri Mostéfaoui, S (2023) False Hopes in Automated Abuse Detection (Short Paper), CEUR Workshop Proceedings of the Workshops at the Second International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI 2023)

Sides, T., Farrell, T. and Kbaier, D., (2023) Understanding the Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence in Primary Care, 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION

Mensio, M., Burel, G., Farrell, T. and Alani, H., (2023) MisinfoMe: A Tool for Longitudinal Assessment of Twitter Accounts’ Sharing of Misinformation, Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization

Kwarteng, J., Farrell, T., Third, A., Burel, G. and Fernandez, M., (2023) Understanding Misogynoir: A Study of Annotators’ Perspectives, 15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 (WebSci ’23)

Kbaier, D., Ismail, N., Farrell, T. and Kane, A., (2022) Experience of Health Professionals with Misinformation and Its Impact on Their Job Practice: Qualitative Interview Study., JMIR formative research

Kwarteng, J., Coppolino Perfumi, S., Farrell, T., Third, A. and Fernandez, M., (2022) Misogynoir: Challenges in Detecting Intersectional Hate, Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM)

Kwarteng, J., Coppolino Perfumi, S., Farrell, T. and Fernandez, M., (2021) Misogynoir: Public Online Response Towards Self-Reported Misogynoir, ASONAM '21: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining

Burel, G., Farrell, T. and Alani, H., (2021) Demographics and topics impact on the co-spread of COVID-19 misinformation and fact-checks on Twitter, Information Processing & Management

Piccolo, L., Blackwood, A., Farrell, T. and Mensio, M., (2021) Agents for Fighting Misinformation Spread on Twitter: Design Challenges, CUI 2021 - 3rd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces

Piccolo, L., Bertel, D., Farrell, T. and Troullinou, P., (2021) Opinions, Intentions, Freedom of Expression, ... , and Other Human Aspects of Misinformation Online, CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Farrell, T., Araque, O., Fernandez, M. and Alani, H., (2020) On the use of Jargon and Word Embeddings to Explore Subculture within the Reddit’s Manosphere, WebSci '20: 12th ACM Conference on Web Science

De Lange, P., Göschlberger, B., Farrell, T., Neumann, A. and Klamma, R., (2020) Decentralized Learning Infrastructures for Community Knowledge Building, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

Burel, G., Farrell, T., Mensio, M., Khare, P. and Alani, H., (2020) Co-Spread of Misinformation and Fact-Checking Content during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Proceedings of the 12th International Social Informatics Conference (SocInfo)

Piccolo, L., Puska, A., Pereira, R. and Farrell, T., (2020) Pathway to a Human-Values Based Approach to Tackle Misinformation Online, HCI International 2020

Farrell, T., Fernandez, M., Novotny, J. and Alani, H., (2019) Exploring Misogyny across the Manosphere in Reddit, WebSci19

Farrell, T., Piccolo, L., Perfumi, S. and Alani, H., (2019) Understanding the Role of Human Values in the Spread of Misinformation, Truth and Trust Online

Piccolo, L., Joshi, S., Karapanos, E. and Farrell, T., (2019) Challenging Misinformation: Exploring Limits and Approaches, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

de Lange, P., Göschlberger, B., Farrell, T. and Klamma, R., (2018) A Microservice Infrastructure for Distributed Communities of Practice, 13th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2018

Farrell-Frey, T., Scavo, B., Ardito, A. and De Liddo, A., (2018) Augmented Reality in Activism: Go March

Farrell, T., Mikroyannidis, A. and Alani, H., (2017) “We’re Seeking Relevance”: Qualitative Perspectives on the Impact of Learning Analytics on Teaching and Learning, EC-TEL 2017: Data Driven Approaches in Digital Education

de Lange, P., Farrell-Frey, T., Göschlberger, B. and Klamma, R., (2017) Transferring a Question-Based Dialog Framework to a Distributed Architecture, EC-TEL 2017: Data Driven Approaches in Digital Education

Farrell Frey, T., Iwa, K. and Mikroyannidis, A., (2017) Scaffolding Reflection: Prompting Social Constructive Metacognitive Activity in Non-Formal Learning, International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning

Farrell Frey, T., Gkotsis, G. and Mikroyannidis, A., (2016) Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Representing Metacognition with Question­-based Dialogue, CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Mikroyannidis, AFarrell-Frey, T (2015) Developing Self-Regulated Learning through Reflection on Learning Analytics in Online Learning Environments, ascilite2015: Globally connected, digitally enabled